STANETֲ® Network Analysis
Form STANET web site:
STANET is an integrated application for network analysis. Besides calculation, graphic input, output and a database browser is included. The browser may be displayed together with the graphics. STANET may be used as a network information system because it uses standard dBASE-III database files, which may be extended by the user. Because graphics and database are using the same files, data exchange with other applications is simple.
The features of STANET are:
- Simple creation and modification of networks
- Flexible network constructions: Calculated (i.e.unknown) and given values (pressure, inflow and load) may be set at different locations and in any number.
- Calculation of additional values like temperature radiation into the ground and quality tracking
- Automated control of network topology with explicit messages for wrong or incomplete specifications
- Automated creation of subnetworks from closed valves and regulators
- Powerful input capabilities via keyboard, mouse and digitizer tablet
- Graphic in-and output of network elements
- Selective representation of single network element groups (layer technology)
- Setting colors for any network parameters (e.g.pressure and flow)
- Representation of technical data at network elements itself or in list form
- Efficient functions for selective output of network parameters and results (filtering,sorting, grouping/classifying)
- Output of background bitmap drawings (e.g.TIFF,BMP,etc) and vector graphics (DXF AutoCad-12-Format)
- Support for user defined database fields
- Extensive configuration options
- Saving of commonly used settings (with names)
- Short calculation times
- Diameter and routing optimization
For more information see the STANET web site.
I really need this software (Badly)
I am interested in a Demo version of Stanet.
Please inform how I can get that.
As far as I know Fischer-Uhrig offers Demo versions of STANET. However, on the website there is no active link to download a demo version. I recommend just to contact Fischer-Uhrig ( They are quite fastin answering.