FireFlow is a Freeware, EPANET based tool, which will calculate the available flow at network junctions while a minimal pressure is kept at demand junctions. FireFlow can run in a “Steady State” mode or perform an “Extended Period Simulation” (EPS). Using the EPS mode you can find how long can a specified flow be delivered? Or, what is the maximal flow that can be delivered for a specified period?
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I get an error message when i load the inp file…plss advise. The emails on the user manual for Fireflow are not working. So I had to post here..
Raghu – when did you download the program? It was updated to use the last EPANet version about a week ago.
When downloading program, it is not working…
What is the error?
It works fine for me. I’ll send you a copy by email.
I got also an error. When clicking on File button and choosing the INP file I got this message “Could not open INP file-OpenFile”.